lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007


¿de qué habla la banda, intérprete del espíritu creativo de Al Berkowitz? A continuación podrán degustar la errante poesía, herencia del bluesman de Temple, en su archiconocido SINGLE: "Football, women and Knives"...

(What do speak about the band; performers of the Al Berkowitz´s creative spirit? Following on you can taste the wandering poetry, heritage of the Temple´s bluesman, in their great hit: "Football, women and Knives"...)

Now, she is nude lying on the couch,
Gotta be quick before she gets asleep too

How should I get through it? Her smile is melting down, I’ve turned unloaded.

I turn my head back to find the scene on flames,
I will be gone, the whole thing will be over
Then I might feel the prick.

Once I felt handsome, felt brilliant…
I had so much rhythm, I had so much rhythm that I deserved to die

I close my eyes and I wait for the stab

It’s all about football women and knives

This is not high enough for my high condition
It’s kind of bland, silly, not even a little bit strange

I become your local hero, but sooner or later
I’m blinded for the mere possibility of the blade

I close my eyes and I wait for the stab

Find nothing but football and women and knives
It’s all about football, and women and knives

I close my eyes but I feel rather unsteady
I can’t understand why I need that much time just to tie my shoes

And now she’s nude lying on the couch
I feel leaning my head on, leaning my head on…
Take a breath, then go back home

I close my eyes and I wait for the stab

It’s all about football, women and knives
There’s nothing but football and women and knives
Find nothing but football, women and knives
I’m sick about football and women and knives...

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

The real difficulty that I see with the group is that absolutely no-one actually sounds like them! Apart from the amazing music they create, Mr. Berkowitz's lyrics are both mature and profound, a quality sadly lacking in Britain at the moment. There is only one group that I can think of that, although not very similar, certainly have a similar passion and depth. That group is Gallon Drunk, a band from London who have been around since the early nineties and who have made several albums and whose singer played with Nick Cave and the Badseeds ( It might be worth looking at their myspace page and getting in touch with them. They have just released an album and I believe they will be touring soon, in fact they are playing in Madrid on the 24th October at "EL Sol". A support spot with them would really allow the Al Berkowitz Band to get themselves widely known.

Anónimo dijo...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
